Digital Books
Sora digital library - Click here!
Sora is our FREE digital library full of thousands of amazing eBooks and Audiobooks for you to read! You can access by downloading the Sora app or going to the web address
Once you click the link, do the following:
1. Find your school. It should already say "My school is McKinney ISD" in green. Click that button. If not, you can select "Switch schools" and find your school manually.
2. Sign in using your normal student or staff login (s+id# and your unique password).
3. Click the binoculars icon on the bottom of the screen to browse books. From there, you can use the magnifying glass icon at the top of the screen to search for specific titles or you can can scroll down and browse "Popular Subjects."
4. Once you find the book you want, click on "Borrow." The book will open up in the app to read.
5. From the book's main page, you can also renew, return, or send your book to your Kindle reading device.
MISD students and staff can check out up to three books for three weeks at a time. Books automatically return once they expire.
Audiobooks have a headphone icon and can be listened to within the app.
If you have any questions, email Mrs. Morris, your DMS Media Resource Specialist.
Once you click the link, do the following:
1. Find your school. It should already say "My school is McKinney ISD" in green. Click that button. If not, you can select "Switch schools" and find your school manually.
2. Sign in using your normal student or staff login (s+id# and your unique password).
3. Click the binoculars icon on the bottom of the screen to browse books. From there, you can use the magnifying glass icon at the top of the screen to search for specific titles or you can can scroll down and browse "Popular Subjects."
4. Once you find the book you want, click on "Borrow." The book will open up in the app to read.
5. From the book's main page, you can also renew, return, or send your book to your Kindle reading device.
MISD students and staff can check out up to three books for three weeks at a time. Books automatically return once they expire.
Audiobooks have a headphone icon and can be listened to within the app.
If you have any questions, email Mrs. Morris, your DMS Media Resource Specialist.