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3 December ~ Pennies for Patients ~ Leukemia & Lymphoma Society![]() Big Thanks to the teachers and students that participated in the Pennies for Patients Program and Pajama Day! Because of your giving hearts we raised over $2,000!! It does not matter how much you gave but how much love was put into your giving so your donations, small and large, have sent a message of love and support to those who are fighting blood cancer. We had a lot of classes raise significant amounts of money for the One-Day Coin Drive but there could be only one winning class for the Pasta Party from Olive Garden. (Drumroll…..) The winner is Mrs. Amland’s 3rd period class raising $430!!! And 2nd place was Mrs. Kiekhoefer’s class raising $205!! Mrs. Kiekhoefer’s 3rd period class has won a surprise Donut Party!!
1st place - Amland $430 2nd place - Kiekhoefer $205 3rd place - Hoffman $190 4th place - Falbo $183 5th place - Dooley $160 6th place – Coach Williams $159 Thanks again everyone for your efforts and remember that no act of kindness goes unnoticed!! MacTown Miracles ~ by 4 December![]() Thanks to our “Just Because” campaign, Dowell collected over 270 boxes of potatoes and over 300 boxes of dressing for MacTown Miracles. In a few weeks, all three of McKinney’s high schools will come together to create 750+ family sized holiday meals. Thank you so much for your support to this great cause!
Google Apps for Education
![]() McKinney ISD is partnering with Google to become a Google district. Our teachers will start using Google apps and collaboration tools to enhance our student learning experience. Additional Information.
Student Login Instructions Box Tops for Education
![]() Welcome to another great year at Dowell Middle School! Clipping Box Tops is an easy way for you to help our school earn cash. Our school receives two checks from the Box Tops for Education™ program each school year based on the box tops we submit. Please turn in your Box Tops before October 17 you can help boost the amount of the first check we receive in December.
Are you a Box Tops member? If not, sign up at to stay updated on our school’s earnings and find a full list of over 250 participating products. Members also receive exclusive coupon offers and recipes and can learn about extra ways for our school to earn more cash. Hurry, clip your Box Tops and turn them in to the office before the deadline on October 17th. Thanks for your help! Tardy PolicyOur goal at Dowell Middle School is to maximize learning time. One of the ways we do this is by establishing a standard of students' arrival in the classroom. When a student arrives late to class, we call this "tardy”.
This year we are using a new communication tool, which will email a parent each time the student is tardy to a class. The tardy count resets each quarter. Policy : · First Unexcused Tardy is a warning · Second Unexcused Tardy is a 30 minute after-school detention · Third Unexcused Tardy is a hour after-school detention · Fourth Unexcused Tardy is a two hour after-school detention · Five or more Unexcused Tardies per quarter, are a three hour after-school detention each occurrence * All detentions are served on Thursday afternoons Helpful Links |
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8th Grade Parents |